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Sunday, November 27, 2011

We live and die in interesting times

#environment #population #singularity

The singularity is the concept that technology will eventually exponentially accelerate to the point where we as humans can become immortal.  Ray Kurweil first suggested it I believe.  Based on an extrapolation of Moores law of doubling computing power.

The form the singularity might take is up for debate.  How will we live forever?  Will it be as ghosts in a digital machine or will it be through maintenance of the meat sack we currently reside in?  Will there be some combination of the two or various options people will be able to chose? 

There are numerous issues that we are going to have to contend with.  What happens if the deaths stop?  Or even slow to an absolute trickle?  Will immortality be available to billions of people in the world before they even get regular supplies of clean water?  I doubt it.  Companies who invent the technology are going to want to get paid and immortality that really works is going to be able to command a huge price tag.  There will be all sorts of discussions and arguments about who gets it and who doesn't.  There will be ethical, legal, and logistical issues on hundreds of different topics.  Everything from multi generational legacies already in place to resource management to motivating people who have forever to accomplish what they need to get done.

If the singularity takes the form of digitizing humans in a virtual world then food and other physical resources would cease to be a problem for those who went with it.  But if we are to continue on living here and exercising our species need to have children then where does that leave us?  Will parent / child relationships be defined the same way if you are 1000 years old and your son is 975?  How much of a relationship do you have with your great great great great great great great great grandparents?

There are ton of issues once the technology is here but I for one am excited at the idea of getting multiple life spans to experiment, play and learn in.

We live and die in interesting times.

If you watch this video and imagine the flow of deaths diminished or flowing to a trickle you will see a visual representation of a world where no one dies looks like.

The birth and death flow

Here's to a lot more good years for all of us.

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